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HILLWIRED is a power hub for communication, marketing, and organizational development.


As pioneers of a new era, we fuse strategic excellence, creativity, and dynamically robust project management into integrated solutions for communication, marketing, and sales.


By intelligently connecting strategy, brand experience, design, architecture, and trade show communication, we enhance the value creation for our clients.


We create outstanding customer experiences throughout the entire customer journey, boost competitiveness, and achieve business goals together with our clients.

Hillwired team

»In a fragmented world, we create meaningful connections between people, brands, and businesses. Our communication projects generate widespread and positive resonance among all key stakeholders.«

Taming complexity, shaping the future

Society and markets are developing at a rapid pace. The communication and information landscape is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected. Whether B2B or B2C, we offer a foothold in the digital stream and transform complexity into tangible experiences, campaigns, services or products.

hillwired event münchen agentur
hillwired event münchen agentur

We operate on an interdisciplinary basis and deliver professional excellence.

HILLWIRED develops and executes communication and marketing projects of all sizes - from small to medium and large to extra-large - for national and international clients across various sectors, including business, industry, culture, institutions, associations, and science. Through strategic alliances and a comprehensive network of experts, we maintain professional excellence at every level.


When it comes to implementation, our experienced project managers guarantee on-budget and on-time realization as well as strong operational performance.

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We provide a powerhouse of collaborative thinkers and doers who, together with you as a team, anticipate, support, and shape the customer journey process.

Kommunikationsagentur München Hillwired

To address our clients' challenges, we blend strategy and creativity to develop holistic communication solutions.

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